We're Back!

Monday, May 3, 2021
8:00 AM

📣 React Sydney is back!

Our first event in over a year, we've missed you 🤗

We've got a new venue, and some tweaks to our format to incorporate COVID-safe practices.

We'll be starting slow with a limited number of RSVPs, and a strict capacity at the venue, so please ensure you've successfully RSVP'd before arriving (we'd all feel bad if we have to turn anyone away) 🙏

🏠 Venue

Secure Code Warrior Level 2, 29 Balfour St, Chippendale (Sydney)

🎟 Tickets

RSVPs are open now!

NOTE: We've got some reports of the RSVP button not working - we're looking into it!

Cost: FREE!

📅 Schedule

  • 18:00 - doors open
  • 18:30 - First Talk
  • 19:15 - Food & networking
  • 19:45 - Second Talk
  • 20:15 - networking
  • 21:00 - Finish

Subject to change

🍕 Food & Drink

Our food will be pizza with a mixture of vegetarian and non-vegetarian options - Sponsored by Lookahead.

Drinks will be a mix of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages (including water) - Sponsored by Thinkmill.

❤️ Sponsors

React Sydney wouldn't be the awesome free event it is without huge thanks to our sponsors!


Filling our bellies with yummy food!

"Lookahead are technical recruiters who are technical, and know what it's like to be in your shoes. The companies we hire for care about code quality and creating a work environment where developers thrive. We're Sydney based and also hire for remote teams."


Keeping us hydrated with the drinks!

"Thinkmill is an industry-leading technology development studio and a driving force behind major open source projects. The team of designers and developers delivers amazing user experiences backed by powerful technical architecture."

Secure Code Warrior

Welcoming us into their amazing venue!

"Secure Code Warrior makes secure coding a positive and engaging experience for developers as they increase their software security skills. With their flagship Learning Platform, they guide each coder along their own preferred learning pathway, so that security-skilled developers become the everyday superheroes of our connected world."

Zero Tolerance Policy for harassment. Everyone is welcome, encouraged to be themselves, and has the right to feel comfortable at the event regardless of gender, age, race, religion, sexual orientation, etc.

  • javascript
  • react
  • frontend


  • Matt Valley

React & Rx.js

Matt Valley

  • Bill

Build Forms with UX & DX


A talk about how we can leverage libraries like React Hook Form to build forms with great user experience while still making sure the developer is getting their job done effectively and efficiently.

Submit A Talk